Here are some pictures of our trip to Utah that we took at the beginning of Sept. It was so much fun to get to go home and see family and friends! The most special part of our trip was that we got to bless Spencer with most of our family there! (we sure missed my sister Rachel and her family, and Levi's sister Lacey and her family!)

Breakfast at Village Inn with Momma D, Danielle, Courtney, Whitney, and Papa D

One of my very best friends Karyn, who by the way is going to have her first baby girl Laura in Febuary,( happy day) and her awesome husband Eric. Aren't they such a cute couple... I sure love them!

My brothers Richard, Aaron, and Andy!
My sister Allison, and Sisters in law Kelly, Allison, and Melanie!
I really wanted to get pictures with everyone of my siblings and there spouses, but my sisters Maranda and Melinda left before I could get a picture with them and their spouses, and Jared, Allisons husband had to leave as well! So maybe next time.

My Mom and Dad and Grandma Atwood!

My Grandpa Atwood! Isn't this such a precious picture!

We went and saw the community play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor dreamcoat, which my mom was a part of! My mom has always enjoyed performing and she is so good at it!

Spencer and his Grammy Pam

Spencer with his cool aunts!
He is so cute. That is cool you were able to bless him here with all of your family.
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