Saturday, February 19, 2011

I wrote this back in February and forgot to post it...

Rachel Came to visit! I can't even tell you how much I loved having her here! The time went by too fast, and I miss her, Noah, and Halle terribly. Her and I were talking and have thought it would be so fun if we just took turns every other month visiting each other. I really like that idea. The new updates with us are, that we bought a van. We are excited about this, because it was a good purchase. We didn't spend too much money, but we now have a family car which will allow for growth.

Now for the more exciting news. Spencer had his first couple visits with his physical therapist Maria who will be coming to our house on a weekly basis! I can't even begin to explain the amount of improvement that has come in the last week, as we have been applying what we have learned to helping him progress! He is getting stronger, is more aware of his hands, rolling from his belly to his back, and with a little support rolling from his back to belly. Tummy time is a lot easier for him, which means less crying. Hooray! Well he never really cries that much anyway. The best thing is, she wants to get him standing as soon as possible, so we are going to get a prescription for braces on his legs from the orthopedic surgeon in March!

I have seen the hand of the Lord helping our little guy along the way! I feel so blessed to get to be a part of so many miracles, and to get to be the Mother to this amazing, sweet, and happy little boy! Spencer is so much fun, and he brings so much joy to our home!