I know, it has been too long since I last updated our blog... what can I say, I'm horrible at these kinds of things. The latest in our lives is that Levi and I are both doing the biggest looser competition with some of my sisters/ sister in law/ and their sisters in law. It has been really good for us, because we are cooking healthier meals and motivating each other to keep exercising! I am feeling a lot better about myself, and finally saw on the scale my pre-pregnancy weight! Yay! I feel so happy for what I have accomplished so far! Levi is such a great example to me and he is full of encouragement, so thank you Hun!:)
Spencer is doing so well! I can't even begin to explain the joy he has brought to our home and to me! I love having my little buddy with me everywhere I go! He is smiling so much as you can see in some of these pictures, and occasionally we will get him to laugh! I don't know how my friend Kristin does it (she's like the baby whisperer or something) but she has the magic touch and is able to get him to laugh for her, just about everytime! What's up with that? We have also introduced him to solid food, just a little rice cereal, and he eats it like a champ! I have some pictures that I haven't put on the computer yet, so I'll have to get those up soon enough! It sure is fun to watch him grow!
I am so grateful for the life I've been given, for my husband Levi for his hard work dedication to living the gospel, and the service he always shows me, for Spencer and how he has already changed me and taught me so much, and for or all the rest of my family! I am also grateful for all of the wonderful friends that I have who are very dear to me, and who have made a difference in my life! I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I feel so blessed for the knowledge I have of the Plan of Salvation! Thanks to the Atoning Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I know that I can be with my family through out all eternity, and I know who I truly am, and what my purpose is here!
These are a few of the many things I am grateful for at this thanksgiving time! I hope all of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!:)

Helga took this family picture of us when we cam out to Utah last, and she did such a great job with all the pictures she took! Thanks Helgs!

Spencer's cute little smile!

We found him in the pack and play just holding this pose... who knows how long he kept his arms like that...it was hilarious! Go BYU!

He Loves his Daddy!

Spencer is so stinkin adorable! I love his smile! I'm sad we won't be able to see you over Thanksgiving. I love your new blog background. Oh and BTW it's on; but I still want you to take 2nd place! Bahahahaha!
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