I can't even begin to tell you how incredible Spencer's improvements have been! He is swallowing so well now! He has no problem taking a bottle, and I have been working on breast feeding him, and he just keeps getting better and better with that too! They said he was progressing faster than they expected, and that he may be able to go home this Wed! I am so happy, and I know that Heavenly Father has been helping him all along the way! There is such a sweet and peaceful spirit we feel every time we are in his presence. I know the spirit has been with us every step of the way! I know we've said it before, but once again Levi and I thank you all so much for all your thoughts and prayers! We love you!

It has been so great to have my mom here with me! We have enjoyed singing to him and have shared many special moments together during this time! I was so glad that she got to hold him before going home!

Levi is such a great Daddy already! I love seeing how excited he gets when ever he gets to hold Spencer, he even gets excited to change his diaper... I hope that never changes! haha

Wow!! I can't stop crying Becs! I just love you guys sooo much and love love LOVE that you are now able to hold your sweet little angel! You guys are truly loved and blessed! I feel honored to have had the opportunity to watch the Lord work a sweet miracle in your lives! Spencer truly is a special little guy! He is soooo loved!
Enoy it all! It goes by fast but continues to get more and more fun. Children are incredible and teach us everyday! Believe it or not your love will continue to grow for one another and for Spencer as you witness precious interactions and selfless/ Christlike acts of love between the three of you! Our Father in Heaven really does love us more than we could ever imagine to bless us with such a beautiful gift of parenthood alongside our eternal companion, love of our lives, handsomest hunk of husbands! ;) (me speaking of Bryan of course and only expressing what I know you feel for Levi ;) )
I'll stop now... :) Go give Spenc a sweet hug from his Auntie Helga, another from Uncle Bryan and a sweet little one from Cus Makyla! xoxoxo
Looking at these pics just makes me more anxious to see this little guy! :)I don't know how I am going to wait even a month longer! I miss you guys a ton! I will try to find a way to use skype! You guys are amazing parents...I mean you make it look so easy. :) I love you both, and can't wait to see you.
You are all so beautiful.
We are so happy for you!!!
I can't wait to meet little SPENCER.
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