Here's our cute little guy sleeping comfortably! As you can see they have taken out the drain in his head, and feeding tube in his nose! He seems so much more content now! Dr. Myseros, the Neurosurgeon said that as far as he is concerned there is no more need to keep Spencer at the hospital, and that he would like to see Spence in about two weeks to check up on his head. They aren't ready to put the shunt in, because there is still blood in the ventricles... Dr. Myseros, told us not to worry, because it would work it's way out. So we just have to give it time. We are just waiting for the Neonatologist to decided when he feels that Spencer is ready to go home! (we think it will be soon!) Yay!

I think he was a little alarmed by the flash! :)

I love this little man soooooo much!

This was when I got to do Kangaroo care! Oh how I loved this moment, I can't believe I am a Mommy!

What a cute Daddy Levi is! I just continue to fall more and more in love with him every day!