Monday, April 11, 2011


Wow, I can't believe its April and I haven't updated my blog since Christmas... time goes by way too fast these days! Can I just say I love the month of April. I love General Conference when we get be taught the word of God through our beloved Prophet, the 12 Apostles and form all the other General Authorities who speak to us! This past conference was incredible as always, and since then I have found myself reflecting a lot on where I am in my life, and where I want to be.

One main theme I got from this conference was loving others and serving them. I remember in Pres. Eyrings talk he mentioned the song "Have I Done Any Good in the World Today", and the words to this song fill my mine on a daily basis... have I helped any one in need? Have I cheered up the sad, or made someone feel glad? If not I have failed indeed. I so desire to live my life like this, doing something for someone who needs my help daily.

I know that the Lord uses his disciples as tools to be the answer to his children's prayers and if we are willing and ready, we can be there for a friend, neighbor, or even a stranger when they most need it. Then they may know and feel of the Saviors love for them. I am truly grateful for the many times that someone has been the answer to my prayers and helped brighten my day!

Another thing I love about April is that we celebrate Easter, yes we celebrate by having the Easter Bunny come with colored eggs and candy... which is so much fun! But more importantly we celebrate the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. On fast Sunday a friend in my ward named Elizabeth Simmons whom I love dearly, bore her testimony, and she talked about spring time and the resurrection. I have to say that it seems like I've always known this, but it has never hit me like it did when she talked about it... but anyway she said its always amazing to her how the earth is a testimony of the resurrection. During winter everything dies, and then spring comes, the trees blossom, the grass turns green, and flowers and plants begin to bloom again. And as we watch the earth renew and come to life again... it's a beautiful reminder from our loving Heavenly Father that Jesus Christ was resurrected and that He lives today!

As for an update on us... Spencer continues to see a physical therapist( Maria Grady) once a week. We really like her, and I think Spencer is already attatched to her too. Since she has been coming to our home, we have seen so much improvement in his abilities. He was recently fitted for some braces that he will wear to help him stand, and we are so excited to get them and to start working with him on that. He is such and awesome and happy baby. We really couldn't be more blessed!


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