Friday, March 16, 2012

Lauryn Eliza is Here!!!

So I know it has taken me 2 months to finally post some pics of Lauryn, but I'm not sure how many people actually check my blog that don't check facebook anyway... so I don't feel too bad! This is really more for me to have a journal than a blog any way.

Lauryn was born by c-section on Friday Jan 27th at 1:24 pm. She weighed 9 lbs 2 oz and was 20 in long. As you can probably tell she is a very healthy baby. We couldn't be more happy having her here with us. Spence didn't know quite what to think in the beginning but has warmed up to her pretty fast... he constantly says baby when he sees her. Pats her and places his head on her head. It is pretty cute to see.

My parents and sister Rachel came to visit and helped me out. We also had Levi's sister Courtney come as well as his Mom. It sure was fun to have family here with us.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Almost show time... I hope!!!:)

Well I can't believe it... I am past 37 weeks now and am going to get to meet my little girl so soon!
I can't wait! Right now I am doing everything I can to go into labor as soon as possible, because if I don't they will mostly likely do a c-section at 39 weeks. I can't say enough how much I don't want to have another c- section. Not only is it a hard recovery, but it may limit the amount of kids I can or should have. They wont induce me, because with the strong contractions they don't want to increase the risk of my uterus rupturing... so it's go into labor on your own, but if the baby is too big, meaning over 8 lbs, we will do a c-section. Well guess what, she was measuring 7 lbs 11 oz on tues. So she is going to be well over 8 lbs 2 weeks from now. Pray for me that she will come earlier than that. So I guess we just play the waiting game! I will post some pics as soon as I can once she is born. Yay... can't wait!