Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Changing it up!

I have just been feeling pretty blah through out this pregnancy and really wanted a little change, so today I got my hair colored and decided to put some brown into it. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out... I have a pic of it below.

Last night I had a dream that we just had our little girl and we were still in the hospital, but she seemed like she was already a couple months old. She had these bright blue eyes, dark hair like Levi's and lots of it. At first it was such a good dream, we had family there and everything. But then something was just a little off... She had this thick dark brown unibrow going on and it totally freaked the crap out of me. haha I just couldn't stop starring at it...

So for the really good news! Spencer is getting his cast of in 2 weeks! Hooray! They have been on for 8 weeks now and let me tell you it has worked me over to carry him up and down stairs. Whew... I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and I couldn't be happier!:)

So here is the change!

Spencer's smile just melts me, I love this boy so much!

I caught him in the middle of saying something!:)

Here we are at an elementary school where our ward was helping to build a retaining wall for this playground they are making that is going to have handicap accessibility!
I didn't really do much, (even though by the way I look you would think so, pretty gross haha) but Levi did enough work for the both of us... he is such a hard worker.

25 weeks prego!

Monday, September 19, 2011


So I can't believe how many accident's, sicknesses, or surgery's that we have had in our family within the last couple months, I mean when it rained, it really poored. Starting out Spencer had hip surgery to correct his hip dysplasia. And with in that same week he got the hand, foot, and mouth virus along with an ear infection... so he was pretty miserable. I had a brother in-law in the hospital with cellulitis. Two of my uncles had surgery. My niece and sister in-law were in a car accident, and within that same day my other niece got hit by a car. My sister Maranda's 3 yr. old broke her leg. Levi's uncle has been waiting on a liver transplant, which we found out he finally received this past week.:) (now just praying that his body doesn't reject it) And to top it all off my Dad went into the ER on Friday night because of abdominal pain, and found out he had diverticulitis and a perforated bowl... so they took him right in for surgery. Before anyone reading this starts to worry for any of the above mentioned, I have to say that it seems all are or are going to be alright. I know that the Lord has heard and answered many prayers said on there behalf. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who has been watching over my family. I know that he has been there for each of them every step of the way. I look at my little Spencer and how happy he is despite all that he has to go through, and I realize that no matter what happens to us, everything will be alright. It always works out. The Lord has a plan for each of us and we are here to learn and to grow. I sure love my family so so so much and I am so grateful to know that through covenants made in the temple that we can be with our families forever!

Now for some exciting news, which I'm sure most of you already know... We are having a GIRL!:) Yay! I am super excited... happy happy day!:)

Here is Spencer in his lovely full body cast, just chillin on the pillows and playing with his favorite toy... Daddy's phone.

Daddy and Spencer. Notice the shirt he is wearing, you can't read the bottom part but it says Vader... haha this was given to him by his Grandma D.

Date night at The Olive Garden

And here I am at 20 weeks.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Wow I can't believe how long it has taken me to give an update. Especially because we have had some big changes! Spencer is army crawling all over the place, and now has braces as you can see in pics below... he is learning to stand. Yay!!! We are going to have to put it on hold for a while because he has hip surgery on the 30th of this month and will be in casts for the next 3 months so pray that all goes well with that.

The next very exiting news I have that some of you may not know is that we are going to have another baby!!! Yup that's right I am 16 1/2 weeks pregnant... below you can see a picture of my baby bump.

We celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 25th of July and Levi took me to see Wicked! It was such an amazing musical, I want to go again! These past 2 years have been incredible. I feel so blessed to be married to such an amazing man. He is so kind, and understanding of me and always looking for ways to serve me. And I love watching how good he is with Spencer, such a great Daddy! I just want him to know how much I love him! I am truly grateful for him and all he is and does for me.

Also we took a trip to Ohio to visit Levi's Dad and sister Courtney... and we were so happy because his sister Lacey drove up from Tennesee with her three adorable kids, which we were so excited about, because the last time we saw them was about a year ago... so we got to meet cute little Ethan for the first time. He is such a doll!

Well that about raps it up for what we've been up to this summer. Pics below!

Look at this little guy, he is getting so strong!

His smile just melts me!
This is me at 15 weeks!
This was AMAZING!
Levi, and Aunt Courtney with little Ethan and Spence.
Cute little Rachel and Lilly
Don't you just love Spence's pot belly! haha
Spence and Lilly with Papa D.
I love this pic... so precious!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wow, I can't believe how fast this year has gone by! Our little baby Spence turned 1 yr on the 23rd! We had such a fun celebration for him... His Aunt Rachel came to visit with cousins Noah and Halle and also his Aunt Courtney (Levi's sister) came from Ohio as well! Spencer got spoiled by both of them. So thank you guys for the birthday gifts and the company, we really loved having you here and already miss you tons! I feel so blessed to have this little guy in my life! All I can say is it has been an incredible year!

I don't think he knew what to think as we were singing happy birthday to him. Hence the confused expression!

He sure loved that cake!

I loved watching him make a big mess!

Rachel, Halle, and Courtney with our little Family!

I sure love having Rachel so close! She is such a great sister!

This little girl melts my heart!

Spencer absolutely LOVES the water!

Aren't they all so cute!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spencer just got a helmet on Wednesday which will help to round out his head. He hasn't been very happy about putting it on, but as you can see in the pictures below, he forgot about it real fast. He is such a happy baby!

Also Spence is finally rolling over on both sides. It has been so rewarding to watch him accomplish this, because he has been working so hard to do it. He is talking so much...he says ba, ca, da, la, ga, ah, ya, oh, no (unfortunatley) and his latest being ma FINALLY!

I had to put this picture on here. Spencer LOVES paper... he makes me laugh so hard!

I think he is so photogenic!

We had a girls night out on friday night... dinner and a movie. I have such wonderful friends! Love them!
Chelsea, Me, Kristin, Elizabeth, Lisa, Ti, and Conni

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spencer already for Church. Isn't he so handsome!

Spencer is so easily entertained! He loves Dorito bags or any other type of bag or wrapper more than most of his toys.

Spencer LOVES his Dad!

Here are some pictures of Spencer's Physical Therapist Maria working with him. She does so well with him, its amazing to see how far he has come with her help.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Wow, I can't believe its April and I haven't updated my blog since Christmas... time goes by way too fast these days! Can I just say I love the month of April. I love General Conference when we get be taught the word of God through our beloved Prophet, the 12 Apostles and form all the other General Authorities who speak to us! This past conference was incredible as always, and since then I have found myself reflecting a lot on where I am in my life, and where I want to be.

One main theme I got from this conference was loving others and serving them. I remember in Pres. Eyrings talk he mentioned the song "Have I Done Any Good in the World Today", and the words to this song fill my mine on a daily basis... have I helped any one in need? Have I cheered up the sad, or made someone feel glad? If not I have failed indeed. I so desire to live my life like this, doing something for someone who needs my help daily.

I know that the Lord uses his disciples as tools to be the answer to his children's prayers and if we are willing and ready, we can be there for a friend, neighbor, or even a stranger when they most need it. Then they may know and feel of the Saviors love for them. I am truly grateful for the many times that someone has been the answer to my prayers and helped brighten my day!

Another thing I love about April is that we celebrate Easter, yes we celebrate by having the Easter Bunny come with colored eggs and candy... which is so much fun! But more importantly we celebrate the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. On fast Sunday a friend in my ward named Elizabeth Simmons whom I love dearly, bore her testimony, and she talked about spring time and the resurrection. I have to say that it seems like I've always known this, but it has never hit me like it did when she talked about it... but anyway she said its always amazing to her how the earth is a testimony of the resurrection. During winter everything dies, and then spring comes, the trees blossom, the grass turns green, and flowers and plants begin to bloom again. And as we watch the earth renew and come to life again... it's a beautiful reminder from our loving Heavenly Father that Jesus Christ was resurrected and that He lives today!

As for an update on us... Spencer continues to see a physical therapist( Maria Grady) once a week. We really like her, and I think Spencer is already attatched to her too. Since she has been coming to our home, we have seen so much improvement in his abilities. He was recently fitted for some braces that he will wear to help him stand, and we are so excited to get them and to start working with him on that. He is such and awesome and happy baby. We really couldn't be more blessed!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I wrote this back in February and forgot to post it...

Rachel Came to visit! I can't even tell you how much I loved having her here! The time went by too fast, and I miss her, Noah, and Halle terribly. Her and I were talking and have thought it would be so fun if we just took turns every other month visiting each other. I really like that idea. The new updates with us are, that we bought a van. We are excited about this, because it was a good purchase. We didn't spend too much money, but we now have a family car which will allow for growth.

Now for the more exciting news. Spencer had his first couple visits with his physical therapist Maria who will be coming to our house on a weekly basis! I can't even begin to explain the amount of improvement that has come in the last week, as we have been applying what we have learned to helping him progress! He is getting stronger, is more aware of his hands, rolling from his belly to his back, and with a little support rolling from his back to belly. Tummy time is a lot easier for him, which means less crying. Hooray! Well he never really cries that much anyway. The best thing is, she wants to get him standing as soon as possible, so we are going to get a prescription for braces on his legs from the orthopedic surgeon in March!

I have seen the hand of the Lord helping our little guy along the way! I feel so blessed to get to be a part of so many miracles, and to get to be the Mother to this amazing, sweet, and happy little boy! Spencer is so much fun, and he brings so much joy to our home!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Christmas in New York!

We had such a fun Christmas this year we got to go up to New York and spend it with my sister Rachel and her family! I felt spoiled cause Rachel cooked so many yummy dinners... She is such a great cook! It's too bad we couldn't have stayed longer, but I guess I can't complain because we did get to spend an extra day with them due to the blizzard that hit while we were there! I already miss them and can't wait for when Rach comes to visit us... hopefully at the beginning of February!:)

On the road headed to New York!

Rachel, Spencer, and Me at their friends house the (Owlzlies?) It was a fun night!

Spencer's first experience opening presents!

I think he liked the wrapping paper more than his toy!

I thought this picture was so darn cute! Halle and Noah were so into Dora the Explorer their eyes were glued to the screen!

We played the game Settlers of Catan, I think every night! I came to like it because I won twice!

Cute little cousins! Halle was so sweet with Spencer!

While we were playing a game of Phase Ten we looked up and saw that Halle, (who has been weaned off of binkies) had found Spencer's and stuck it in her mouth! It was quite funny!
The blizzard!

Noah was so cute with Spencer, he was able to get him to laugh more than any of us could! So cute!